Discover the Superwoman Inside you

Unlock your superpower with 3 superwoman superpower 90 days plans and Clear your mind

Learn to Tap into your Superpowers to achieve your desired goals

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Days Hours Minutes Seconds


27th September 2021

Total Duration



12pm Onwards



Here’s what you will learn inside the webinar

Day 1

you will get an overview of the concept of Alter Ego and how does it affect your life

Day 2

You will get and detailed understanding of the Alter ego concept that helps you recognize them which you might have missed

Day 3

you will learn to find and distance yourself from Alter Ego in 5 Steps

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Who’s this Webinar for?

IT Professional who wants to move ahead to leader levels

Working women who want to balance work life and professional life

Then this workshop is for you,

Days Hours Minutes Seconds



Founder & Director of Alingyourbrain Training
and Consulting LLP | Member of Women Economic Forum

Highly driven and passionate about helping women achieve their “life goals”

Having worked with MNCs such as Intergraph India LImited, GE, Ivy Comptech, Infosys, and Deloitte and with close to 20 years of experience in HR, Consulting, Training, and Facilitation, today I run a company called Alginyourbrain training and consulting LLP with a vision of helping 100,000 women become self-reliant. 

She has trained in the Brain-based methodology of coaching from the Neuro leadership Institute accredited to International Coach Federation (ICF) and ICF-ACC certified with close to 200 hours of coaching exposure.  She is also a psychometric tool assessor (MBTI, FIROB, Thomas Profiling and Emotional Intelligence (EQi2.0)). 

Preetha is a Drama based facilitator and conducted programs such as Transformational Leadership (Level 1 and Level 2) through NHRD, High Impact Leadership Skills, Upskilling for Success, Compassionate Communication Skills, Skill to Excel, and various other soft skills programs incorporates like, L&T, Zensar Technologies, Future Group, CBI, Maruti Suzuki, Hetero drugs, Cybercity Builders and Developers Ltd., to name a few.  

She has proven by success helping 4000+ women using  Alter ego technique to identify their desires and discover how to fulfill them.

Plus, not to forget, she and her team have conducted phased wise assignments in educational institutions such as IMT Hyderabad, VJIM, and Cybercity Builders and Developers Ltd. encompassing gaining insights, team alignment, trust-building, and group coaching aspects to enhance their productivity at the leadership level.

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Learn to Set your goal & take the first step that will lead you on the way to achieving it!

2021 | Preetha Balakrishnan | All Rights Reserved