“Building a Coaching Culture”

“Building a Coaching Culture”

“For the fourth consecutive year, the Human Capital Institute (HCI) and the International Coach Federation (ICF) partnered to research coaching cultures in organizations. This year’s research focuses on coaching and leadership development for first-time people managers and emerging leaders—many of whom are members of the Millennial generation. In a study of 670 Human Resources (HR), Learning and Development (L&D), and Talent Management (TM) professionals; internal coach practitioners; managers; and individual contributors across multiple generations, the key research findings include: Most generational differences appear to be myths.

The top three work preferences are the same across most age groups: development opportunities, career advancement and flexibility at work. Recognition for quality work, manager support and opportunities to share feedback with decision-makers are the top values endorsed by all age groups at a proportion of 67% or more. Values did not widely differ among the generations in this survey with regard to corporate social responsibility, narcissistic tendencies and short-term tenure.” Copyright ICF.

Given the above salient aspects, what really struck me is that “values did not widely differ among the generations”. As a parent cum Transformational life-coach, I used to feel that this is not the case! There may be aesthetic changes such as usage of technology to improve quality of life. However, the inherent ethos of being valued, recognition, manager’s support, remains the same.

What I mean by this is, in today’s mechanical life, it is important to be more human, and compassionate. As leaders, all of us know this. Its just that we forget! “Coaching and developing others, engaging and inspiring others, and having emotional intelligence are the most valuable skills and competencies for first-time people managers according to respondents.” Copyright ICF .

If this is the case, linking it to the valuable insights about Brain: “OUR HARDWIRING DRIVES AUTOMATIC PERCEPTION” , which means that the link between hard wiring and perception explains many business performance trends, from visualisation to the power of setting goals to the impact of positive feedback on others.

So we perceive the world according to our wiring. The downsides to that are, changing the way people think is one of toughest challenges as people tend to stick to their view of the world. When change happens, it does not match with their internal realities, that takes time. Time to re-wire their minds. And they have to make their connections, according to their own wiring. We as leaders need to make the space for this to happen.

As a leader who wants to improve other people’s performance, it’s going to be useful to influence the way people perceive the world. This is the new art for most leaders, one that requires the development of new muscles!

Empathy, Compassion and being “human like'(not business like) is something all generations value, any being would value!

The combination of external and internal coaches, along with training managers and leaders to provide coaching skills, appears to be key to developing a strong coaching culture and addressing the development needs of emerging leaders.

Thank you for reading in, pls do send in your valuble comments.

Warm regards,


Transformational Life Coach & Behavioural Trainer

Source: Human Capital Institute , ICF and NLI.